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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Blog post 1: Clingy.


 When you fall in love, it is quite normal that you become attached to your partner. There is this constant feeling of wanting to be near to them.  You always want to be their first priority. You eve get easily jealous of the other people they spend time with. But when can you say that you’re being too over rated? When can you say that you’re being too clingy?

As a girl of my age, I had already experience to be involved in a relationship therefore falling in love. Some people call it puppy love  but I tell you I took it seriously. Man, I know I'm too young to say that but it's bee a roller coaster ride.I learned that being inexperienced when it comes to love and romance can make it harder. Heck, I didn't know that being too attached and viscid to him will be reason why he will left me.  I didn't know that being too in love with him will be the reason for  my first relationship to fall apart.  He left me because I'm clingy. 

Clingy as defined by the free dictionary  is to hold fast or adhere closely (to something), as by gripping and sticking. Hence it is characterized as being overly closed to someone or something.  Being clingy in relationship is defined as being too obsessed and attached to his partner that it is too annoying and disturbing for the opposite side. 

Based on the article “13 Clingy Girlfriend signs and How to avoid it” written by Jessica Dawson: 

       “Clingy lovers are lovers who don’t feel appreciated or loved in a relationship. This lack of love turns to insecurity, which can eventually turn into a plea for attention and love. And that is the real true definition of a clingy girlfriend. A clingy girlfriend is a great girlfriend who either hasn't got enough love or just wants more love from her boyfriend. Now is that really a bad thing? “

Clingy people are those people who lack  self confidence so they  depend on their partners too much. Others call them  "obsessed" and "stereo-type girlfriends".They are too thirsty for affection  that they always want to have the attention of their boyfriends. They constantly text them or call them just to make sure that they won’t leave their minds just like how they wouldn't leave theirs. They are too dramatic about everything that concerns romance and relationship. 

When will you consider yourself as a clingy boyfriend/girlfriend? It is stated in the same article that you are consider as a clingy boyfriend/girlfriend when you:

  • You constantly want to talk to them all day long that you even forget other people.Even if you have tons of work and undone assignments, all you want to do is to be with them. You don’t care having no social life. You hate that he has a lot of friends and you have no one but him. You can't last a day without talking to him. You keep on checking his facebook account to see if he's flirting with someone. 

  • You don’t know the word “space". All you want to do is cling to him. You give him all your time and you forgot that you have a life to live. You don’t give him his time to do his own thing. You always want to be included in their  to do list. 

  • You hate his friends for being a bad influence to him. Though he already acts like that before you met him, you blame his friends if he he did something  wrong or you guys fought. You hate them for influencing him to be a jerk and a douche bag when in reality, you're just making things up.

  • You get jealous, easilyYou don’t want to see any girls around him. You easily get jealous if he eyed another girl or checked out another girl’s Facebook account. You’re irritated when he’s talking with his girl friend or even girl cousin.

  • You think he doesn't love you as much as you love him. You are very suspicious of his real intentions to you. You easily noticed his flaws. If he forgot to text you saying “Good night, I love you”, you’ll think that he has another girl and he doesn't love you anymore. To cut the long explanation, you don’t trust his love for you.

 And the list goes on and on. To read the rest of the article visit :

 Intimacy can be a gift or a curse. You should always be reminded to not always depend on others. You have a life to live! Use your time not just to love your partner but to love yourself more. If you've been too attached to him and he left you, it will just leave you in tears so my advice is to not build your world around him.  Try to manage your time with things that are more productive. Be in engage with recreational activities that will keep you busy. Instead of worrying about him all the time, do your assignments (if you're still a student), hang-out with your friends and love yourself even more. 

Remember that our world is unfair, you should know how to play the game right. Don't let the rules down you instead do everything to change it and live a happy life.