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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Blog post 6 : How Clinginess affects relationship?

How Clinginess Affects Relationships?

Clingy partners tend to overdo her/his job as a girlfriend/boyfriend. They become too attached and obsessed that it is too hard on the other side to live their own life.  In my observation, I've seen a lot of scenarios where in the girlfriend played as a clingy lover ends up being hurt or vise versa.  Effects of being clingy depend on how the other side will react. If the other side is mature and understandable enough, she/he will still stick to the clingy lover and just understand how she/he feels. But, if the other side is not that “open-minded” , Clinginess might be the reason on why the relationship will fall apart. Being attached in a relationship too much can be very dangerous.

According to the article “How Your Attachment Style Impacts Your Relationship” written by Lisa Firestone, PH.D, It states that there are different ways of being attached. And clinginess falls into the category of Anxious Preoccupied Attachment:

“Anxious Preoccupied Attachment – Unlike securely attached couples, people with an anxious attachment tend to be desperate to form a fantasy bond. Instead of feeling real love or trust toward their partner, they often feel emotional hunger. They’re frequently looking to their partner to rescue or complete them. Although they’re seeking a sense of safety and security by clinging to their partner, they take actions that push their partner away.”

In this matter, Clinginess is the reason why the other partner dumped his/her clingy lover. Well, they just can’t the emotional hunger and attention seeking of the clingy lovers so instead of understanding them, they pushed them away. Sad reality but almost all of the relationships where clinginess is involved ends up with this.

Another thing, based on the article “How Clinginess affects relationships?” written by Mark Banschick, M.D, It states that:

“Clingy people are often in relationships with other insecure people who want to be needed. When one gets better, the other can be thrown off balance. This happens a lot when one person in a relationship commits themselves to getting better. Sometimes, when one person changes it drives their partner forward."

In this case, the couple has their own fault but only the clingy one admits it. The partner takes advantage of the clinginess of her/his lover to complete or to lessen his insecurity. And when he finally got himself together, he will just throw away his/her relationship with the clingy lover like it never happened at all.

Being clingy could be a good or bad thing depending on the perspective of the person who sees it. Well, that’s life. Sometimes, the one who will we fall in love left us but we should not be too affected by

1 comment:

  1. Superbly written article, if only all bloggers offered the same content as you, the internet would be a far better place..
