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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Blog post #3 : Is being clingy, good or bad?

“Am I being Clingy?” My friend once asked me this question way back in high school. She was having a hard time dealing with her boyfriend. She keeps on complaining about their relationship and how things work between her and him.  She was very dramatic about he ignores her text messages and how he talks to other girls. Being a supportive friend as I am, I told her that maybe he needs a space. Maybe she was being too clingy. But, after I said that statement, a question popped into my mind. Why do we have to worry if we’re being too clingy? Is being Clingy, a good or bad thing?

I’m a clingy person. Does that make me a bad lover? Well, in the article entitled “"Clingy" Communication: A Practical Application of Watzlawick’s Cybernetic Theory of Relationships” written by Kailey Nash in his thesis; Human CommunicationTheory.

"the behavior of each person affects and is affected by the behavior of each other person"

Meaning, a person's action is a result of her/his reaction to the other person's action. To make it simple it means that, when you're being too clingy, there is also a problem within the other side. In a relationship, it takes two to work out therefore it is not only your fault that you're being clingy.

PRO's and CON's of being clingy.

Pro's. When you are clingy, your partner can easily feel how much you love them. You continuously shows them your affection and love. It shows how much that someone appreciate you not only as a person but also as the half of her/his heart. They are also very loyal and faithful to their partners, you can count on him/her for honesty in the relationship. They also invest all their time in you. You feel like your the most special person in their life.

Con's. The attachment is too much that it becomes too annoying. You don't have any time for yourself anymore. The privacy isn't there anymore. The clingy partner tends to depend every little thing on their partner. They can't do anything on their own. They also get jealous easily that leads to misunderstanding or worst?-- break up.

Showing your love to your partner isn't a wrong thing as long as you know how to limit yourself. Being clingy isn't bad because you show someone how much you value them but you also have to consider their feelings. Are you over doing it or what? It takes two for a relationship to work out. You have to keep in mind that in every action there always be a reaction. 

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