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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Blog post #4 : Why clingy people get dumped?

You met a guy. He is very gorgeous and have those alluring eyes. His humor is captivating and everything about him fascinates you. You guys become friends- special friends in your vocabulary. He made you feel special. And then you suddenly become too attached. You texts him first. You always want to be updated on everything he does. And then one day, He stopped seeing you. You asked yourself,: "Why did he dump me?"

Clinginess is one of reasons of break ups moreover it is also one of the reasons on why romance between two people dies before it blooms. It is believed Men prefer independent women than clingy ones. It was said that they enjoy dating those who are not much into relationship that those who are devoted in romance. 

In the article "Why Men Hate Dating Clingy And Needy Women"  The writer states that: 

"To be fair, it’s normal to feel a little insecure when you first start dating someone because the relationship’s status is so up in the air, but there is something called quiet insecurity.  When you start letting it show on the surface, and acting it out on your partner then that may lead the relationship to fail"

I agree on what he said, when you're just starting a relationship, it is much better to control your attachment issues. Who will like someone that is more updated with his every action like his own world? Who wants to date someone who is very dramatic when you forgot to text her just once? Who wants to be with someone whose life depends on you? 

Men don't want commitment. They go for women who don't attached that quickly. For example is, When they sleep with a woman. A woman who is very clingy, doesn't sleep with a man over a drink. She'll think first if this man is capable of marrying her and raising her children. Yes, Clingy   woman thinks too advanced. Hence, If a clingy woman sleep with a man, the clinginess starts. 

According to the article "5 Signs You're Clingy" written by Isabella Snow. 

Insecurity is at the heart of clinginess, so if you're experiencing this one, you need to think about why. It's this fear that makes you want to constantly be around the other person, so you can reassure yourself that they are still there and haven't dumped you.

If you don't want to be clingy, then have confidence in yourself. No one wants to date someone who doesn't value and love herself. You have to stand on your own and avoid being depending too much on others.

Mr/Ms.Clingy, If you don't want to get dump, then do yourself a favor - try to live your life for your own. Value yourself more than you value them. Send them text messages not essays. Call them once but not always. Care for them but don't act as if you're his mother. Don't invest too much time on them! Try other activities not related to them! 

You don't want to get dumped and be left? then stop clinging so much. Remember that, "Intimacy can be a gift and a curse". 

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